All Stories

Koii Network Partners with Functionland to Expand Compute Power and AI Infrastructure

Expanding their growing ecosystem, Koii Network, a leading provider of compute power and AI infrastructure, is announcing a partnership with Functionland, a provider of custom hardwar...

In Announcement, Oct 04, 2023

Koii Network Partners with Foundership to Accelerate Web3 & AI Innovation in Southeast Asia

Continuing on our mission to empower Web3 builders globally, Koii Network is partnering with Foundership, a leading Web3 accelerator in Southeast Asia. With Foundership’s portfolio of...

In Announcement, Oct 04, 2023

Custom Tasks in Your Node

We have an exciting new feature to share: custom tasks are here! Custom tasks are tasks that you can run using the task’s ID, streamlining development and community engagement. They d...

In Announcement, Sep 11, 2023

Koii Leaderboard Goes Live

The Koii Leaderboard

In Announcement, Jul 25, 2023

Powering Koii Tasks with Web3.Storage

At Koii, we are always looking to make our products, and Web3 more generally, better and easier to use. As a part of our continuous commitment to these goals, you can now use Web3.Sto...

In Announcement, Jul 06, 2023

Calling All Pirates

At Koii Network, we value our community and want to reward those who are dedicated and passionate about our mission to take back the internet for the people who use it. That’s why we’...

In Announcement, May 10, 2023

Take Back the Internet with the Koii Task Template

Is your computer just a computer, or can it also be a taxi for web applications and data? Your computer is a powerful tool, you should be getting the most out of it.

In Announcement, Apr 06, 2023

You Can Now Run Your Own K2 Node

Move your mouse, click one button, and transfer tokens instantly. This is what a perfect transaction looks like on K2.

In Announcement, Mar 22, 2023

Deploy a Koii Task in less than 5 minutes

Koii Tasks allow communities around the world to pool computing resources towards common goals. Anyone with a basic understanding of JavaScript can easily start hacking, and we’re her...

In Announcement, Feb 22, 2023

$1M Grants, Mentorship, & More With Koii Founder Support

If you believe in the core principle of empowering people through community-powered apps, we’ll provide technical and financial support to bring your product to life. You will learn f...

In Announcement, Feb 10, 2023
