
Shanghai Gallery opening party

Jul 07, 2021 · 2 mins read
Shanghai Gallery opening party
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Shanghai Gallery Unveiled

The grand opening of the Shanghai Gallery was unveiled today via live stream with guests such as Cao Yin, Kevin Abosch , Felicia Che, Tang Han, and Guo Cheng. If you missed the event you can catch the recap here.

The opening exhibit featured the “1111” Collection by artist Kevin Abosch who spoke during the event. He mentions that he originally saw the pieces being physical works, but that he had to change his vision due to the pandemic— the pieces became virtual.

Kevin expressed how lovely it was to see his work presented in this way: not on a marketplace, but in a space, though his original intention had been delayed by the pandemic. Kevin expanded the collection, which was initially intended to be 50 physical works, to 1,111 pieces displayed in the gallery. Having spent a great deal of time on the collection, Kevin demonstrated his emotional connection to each piece of work.

Shanghai Gallery Opening - Koii blog

Kevin works at the intersection of art and technology and this can be seen through his choice to store and mint 1111 of the works on Arweave’s permanent storage system. Kevin went on to say that he goes through a process of “trying to extract truth from data,” which, he says, is not necessarily reproducible.

“The 1111 pieces are the most crypto native artworks among tons of cryptoart pieces nowadays, and the collective support from the Arweave community [is] definitely one of the reasons mak[ing] 1111 great…I would like to say, what makes this come true, besides the love of art, [is] the common belief and commitment to a true, open web, is the most important motivation of all [of] us.
-Cao Yin, Managing Director of Digital Renaissance Foundation

Mentioned heavily during the opening was the Koii Network and the attention economy, as Koii is dedicated to giving creators a space where they permanently own and earn the value they deserve from their content. Being an avid supporter of Koii, Kevin collaborated with the Koii.

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